Tips for Windows XP

Problema con file AVI in Windows XP

Per alleggerire la gestione dei file AVI in Windows XP conviene procedere in questo modo:
(procedendo in questo modo si interviene direttamente sul file di registro di Windows! MOLTO PERICOLOSO, fare attenzione)

Avviare l'editor del Registro di sistema (Regedit.exe) (Start / Esegui... / regedit)

Individuare la seguente chiave del Registro di sistema ed ELIMINARLA:


Uscire dal Registro di sistema.

PS Prima di eliminare definitivamente la sopra menzionata chiave dall'editor del registro di sistema
conviene procedere al back up della stessa (evidenziare la chiave, File/Esporta)

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Descrizione completa di questo trucco in inglese:

The obnoxious bug in XP that causes Explorer to read the entire contents of  broken AVI files before allowing any access to them is caused by bad behavior of shmedia.dll.

This problem manifests itself by causing Explorer to read the entire contents of an AVI file, regarless of its size or location any time the mouse pointer is hovered over it, or an attempt is made to access it in windows explorer.

This causes 'permission denied' errors when trying to simply move, copy or delete these files as they cannot be changed while Explorer has an open handle on them.

This also causes a DoS situation where large AVI's are stored on remote shares and Explorer keeps reading the files from beginning to end each time they are accessed.

To correct this misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the following registry key.


This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in response to file property queries on these files.

This will not effect your ability to play files, get file attributes, or even view thumbnails.


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